Monday, May 2, 2011

A Message from Don Kerr about the New Paltz Village Elections: Support for Ariana


I have attended 2 of 5 candidate forums during this Village NP election season and feel that New Paltz is blessed with a wealth of qualified candidates.

I will be voting for Sally Rhoads, Ariana Basco and Stewart Glenn for Village Trustee.

Sally has served our Village so well in so many different capacities over the years, that she can be counted on to bring reason and vision to the table. Sally is an advocate who is able to compromise - a rare combination. Having watch Ariana work on the Police Commission, I have been impressed by the tough questions that she has asked and for not backing down when challenged. She's is smart and tough. Stewart Glenn has been involved in local governments for years - just not in New Paltz. We could use his experience in law, government and business on the Village board.

I will not be endorsing Mayoral candidates - some friends running against each other.

I WILL say that the anti West election eve attack post card that I received in today's mail - with info too late to refute - was one of the more cowardly and sleazy things I have seen in a local election in a while. That tactic - employed successfully by bigot US Senator Jesse Helms - shows that one of the other candidates for NP Mayor is unfit to hold the office. What a low blow .....

Whomever you choose to vote for, please come out and fulfill your responsibility to our democracy.

Don Kerr

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What You Can Do To Help Get Ariana Elected!

* Tell your friends you support Ariana Basco for Village Board and encourage them to vote for her too!

* Host a gathering in order to inform your friends about the importance of voting for Ariana Basco!

* Send emails to your friends about the importance of voting for Ariana Basco!

*  "Like" the Facebook group and recommend it to your friends!

* Put up a lawn sign. Email to get one.

* Drive your friends or walk with them to vote on Tuesday 5/3 at the Village Fire House from 12-9

* VOTE on 5/3 for Ariana Basco Tuesday 5/3 at the Village Fire House from 12-9

KT Tobin's Letter to the Editor - Ariana Basco for Village Board

I first met Ariana Basco when she was the Project Coordinator and Community Outreach Director for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). It was easy for me to see why NYPIRG hired her, she has the personality and organizational skills needed to motivate people and accomplish goals.

For the past two years, I have worked with Ariana on the SUNY New Paltz Environmental Task Force (ETF) and have been continually impressed by her energy and ability to get things done. Under her leadership as co-chair, the task force has been a positive force for change. And during her tenure, our volunteer numbers have grown -- I believe, due the success of ETF projects, the group’s growing presence on campus and in the community and Ariana’s positive leadership.

When Ariana sought a position on the Town Police Commission after a few young women were attacked in our community, I was again impressed by her ability to step up when it came to tough issues that needed attention. Her service on the commission was exemplary. She prepared well, completed research with care, deftly scrutinized the budget and fought hard against the proposals for police officers to have stun guns. She showed she has the strength and integrity to fight for what she believes in, with information, intelligence and collegiality. After years of deadlock and negativity, Ariana is exactly the type of person we need on our Village Board.

Please join me in voting for Ariana Basco -- Positive Party on ROW A -- for Village Board on May 3, noon to 9 p.m. at the Village Fire House.

KT Tobin

New Paltz

Mark Portier's Letter to the Editor: A Vote for Ariana Basco

I served on the Village Board of Trustees for a one-year interim term as an appointee during 2007-08, just before the collapse of the US financial and housing markets. Back then, the biggest item on our agenda was how to prioritize the $10 million in State funding for improvements to our local transportation systems. Though it was only three years ago, that seems a different economic era.

During my year on the Village Board, I sat next to Jean Gallucci. I already knew how exceptional Jean is. Before being elected village trustee, Jean had served as both our village clerk and treasurer for more than five years, somehow managing to excel at these two demanding full-time positions at once. As Jean’s colleague on the Board of Trustees, I learned that beyond having an exemplary work ethic and peerless institutional knowledge, Jean Gallucci is very smart, but humble, rigorously principled, but open-minded and
a pure pleasure to work with at all times.

As clerk/treasurer, trustee and deputy mayor, Jean Gallucci has been the fiscal backbone of our village for many years now. Jean Gallucci is keenly qualified to serve as our mayor. Like most progressive people who live here, I’m willing to put my wallet behind better schools, libraries, parks and public works. Let’s draft those plans -- and elect Jean -- to steady our village through these hard economic times, to keep us solvent and make us stronger, for that brighter tomorrow.

Regarding the village trustee race, the candidates’ demonstrable ability to work well with others -- especially those they’re in disagreement with -- has helped guide my vote. As we have seen here locally too many times, incendiary rhetoric hurts the political process. Willful acrimony kills it. Among the most formidably qualified trustee candidates running, I believe that Ariana Basco and Stewart Glenn are the most temperamentally suited to govern. Ariana Basco and Stewart Glenn will help comprise a strong, diverse,

capable, affable, approachable board of trustees around Jean Gallucci.

Finally, as someone who has served very briefly but chose not to endure the electoral process, I’d like to extend my gratitude and profound respect to every candidate running. You each make me proud to live here. We’re very lucky to have you.

Mark Portier

New Paltz

Amanda Sisensteind's Endorsement: My thoughts on the village elections

I have been a resident of the Village of New Paltz for 11 years. I am on the Tenant Landlord Relations Council and the Community Advisory Committee of the Government Efficiency and Effectiveness Project. I am also involved in other community groups such as the Climate Action Coalition, the SUNY New Paltz Environmental Task Force. I am concerned about the results of the upcoming village elections. It is very important that we have the right person for mayor and the right people on the board of trustees. For these reasons I am sharing my opinions on some of the candidates.

I admire the candidates that I support for staying positive in their campaigns and not being negative towards their opposition. I in my many experiences in politics from local to the federal level also prefer to stay positive. However the truth is not always positive, and although I am doing my best to not be negative, I want people to know what is really going on.

The Mayor and the Board spend the majority of their time dealing with sewers, water, treatment and other infrastructural issues. However there are also important quality of life issues that the Village government also should address, such as environmental issues, tenant landlord issues, and socio-economic issues.

I am supporting Jason West for mayor. Please be aware that I voted for Jason when he first ran for mayor, but I did not vote for him when he ran for a 2nd term. He has learned much from his experiences (including losing his second election. I believe in his ability to do this job well and improve and protect the Village of New Paltz and it will be significantly more transparent, and more accessible to village residents than it has been in recent years.

Two of the candidates for Mayor, John Cohen and Pete Healey, although they are good people and have done much for the community, are not right for mayor. Their agendas are too narrowly focused while their specific ideas are too vague and underdeveloped. They simply lack the logistical skills necessary for the job.

Jean Gallucci, has a lot of experience with the village government, and I would like to see her remain on the village government, although not as mayor. I think she and Jason would work well together on the board, unfortunately this is not possible right now with this election. I am also worried that Jean becoming mayor may steer the village in the same direction that Terry Dungan has led it.

Ariana Bosco is my first choice for village trustee. I have worked with her on many issues and projects. She as the passion, intelligence, energy, and motivation that the village board needs. She cares deeply about this community and wants to protect whats great about it and make improvements where they are needed. She works constructively with and finds common ground with everyone. She will bring this same ethic to the board with whoever else ends up on the board.

There are only two people running for the two year position on the Village Board, Shari Osbourne and Stewart Glenn. I am supporting Shari Osbourne. She has years of experience on the Village Board. Stewart’s agenda is far too narrow. He and most of the others on Row B are narrowly focused on village consolidation and do not have much to say on other issues.

They believe that consolidation will fix all of the villages problems which they have made clear through their campaigns and in the debates and forums. Even if consolidation is the best option for our community, it will not solve even most of our problems.

I am not against consolidation as a potential option, but I and many others on the Community Advisory Committee are feel there is much more research to be done and many more questions to be answered before jumping to the coterminous consolidation. It should also be clear that before coterminous consolidation can happen an identical plan must pass the village and the town governments and then go to a town and village wide referendum. So this isn’t a matter of the village or town government voting and consolidating the two governments.

The consultants who have been hired to conduct this study have said as of April 25th that they do not know yet if coterminous consolidation would be best for our community and that although it may improve efficiency, this does not mean savings. This does not mean lowered taxes. In fact they stated that any savings, if there are any, will be marginal. Consolidation also has costs along with it. Especially in the first few years of consolidation. Some of these costs could be offset if we are able to obtain grants for this purpose. However we do not know yet, whether the costs and efforts of consolidation will be worth the potential benefits.
     Those in support of consolidation are throwing around statements that indicate that there will be savings resulting from consolidation. Coterminous does not mean lower taxes. And even if it does lower taxes, it does not mean the savings will be significant and worth the costs of consolidation.

With that being said, Sally Rhodes is another people who has done a lot for our community. She has done a lot for the Elting Memorial Library for example. However her latest pursuits I believe are narrowly focused and not what is best for the entire village community.

She has pushed aggressively for the noise ordinance that according to me and many others including people currently on the village board, needs more revision. She is also aggressively in support of coterminous consolidation, although she is on the steering committee for the Government Efficiently and Effectiveness Project.

As I said earlier the consultants who are conducting this study said they are not able to say at this point in the study that a coterminous village and town government is best for our community. This in my opinion is a conflict of interest that she has already come to this conclusion when she is on the board who is supposed to be guiding the objective study.

Sally Rhodes has also acted quite uncivilly towards people active in the community who have spoken publicly against the noise ordinance and coterminous consolidation of the town and village governments when the cameras are off and the public is not looking.

Although I do not claim that it is intentional, but the things she is pushing benefit a very small percentage of village residents while being potentially detrimental to the majority of village residents.

I urge you to vote for Jason West, Ariana Bosco, and Shari Osbourne. These candidates will represent the entire population of New Paltz, have all of the relevant issues in mind and do not have specific, one or two issue agendas. They will represent us all in a well-rounded way.

 These candidates will represent students, post-graduates, non-student single adults residents of all ages, people raising families, senior citizens, working families, and those from every socio economic status.

Also I would like you to ask yourself why is the one community (one government party as they have said themselves) on row B such a large slate? Is it perhaps because none of the candidates are strong enough to stand alone and run on their own?

I am not against the entire row B slate. And aside from the three that I mentioned I have not made my decision on the third trustee yet but I am leanging towards Emily Crocetti, Rick Bunt, or Martin Sherow.

If you have not already please watch the candidate forum
This is the most comprehensive coverage of the candidates. Thanks to the chamber of commerce for organizing it.

Amanda Sisenstein
 Feel free to share this if you share my thoughts on the village elections.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Alice Andrew's Letter to the Editor - Vote for Jason West and Ariana Basco

We are fortunate to live in a place where the mayoral candidates are all good people; in fact, most of them even have some good ideas worth voting for. But only one, in my view, has some truly exceptional plans for our village and can make them happen: Jason West. I’ve lived in the village for 12 years, and in this period there has only been one time that I’ve witnessed the difference an elected official can make: that was the time West was mayor (from 2003 to 2007). His intelligence, vision and energetic determination are what is needed in New Paltz, now more than ever. On May 3, I’ll be voting for him, as well as for Ariana Basco for Village Trustee. I’ve been following her career in our community since she was my psychology student seven years ago, and I couldn’t be more proud of her many talents and virtues as an activist and community leader.

Alice Andrews

New Paltz

Matthew Flusser's Letter to the Editor - Vote for Ariana Basco for Positive Change

As a community volunteer, parent and homeowner in the village, I am very happy that Ariana Basco is running for village trustee. In the past few years I have known and worked with Ariana on campus and on issues affecting our village. I have been very impressed with her positive professionalism. Ariana takes a fresh look at environmental and sustainability issues. We worked side by side in order to get more local food on campus. It was not easy and there is more work to do, but we did it together and met goals that many thought were impossible even just a year ago.

Ariana has served on our town police commission. She does not shy away from things just because it can be a hard road to accomplish them. She perseveres and makes a plan and sticks with it to the end. I think we are in a time where we need new ideas and that means fresh eyes and sometimes hard answers so that we can make positive change for our future. The old guard always says, “Now is not the time.” This is the wrong way to be. We have to say, “Now is the time, let’s do it a new way, the right way for the good of our community, state, country and planet!” The time to start change is now and Ariana Basco is someone who can help us start the process of change for our village now. Please join me in voting for Ariana Basco, Positive Party, on May 3.

Matthew Flusser

New Paltz