Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What You Can Do To Help Get Ariana Elected

* Tell your friends you support Ariana Basco for Village Board and encourage them to vote for her too!

* Write a letter to the editor in support of Ariana to the New Paltz Times at

* Write a letter to the editor in support of Ariana to the New Paltz Oracle at

* Host a gathering in order to inform your friends about the importance of voting for Ariana Basco!

* Send emails to your friends about the importance of voting for Ariana Basco!

*  "Like" the Facebook group and recommend it to your friends!

* Attend and encourage your friends to attend the remaining debates and forums:
Monday 4/25 7pm Chamber of Commerce Debate @ Deyo Hall on Broadhead in the village
Wednesday 4/27 6pm Main Course Meet-and-Greet with all candidates, hosted by Butch Dener

* Put up a lawn sign. Email to get one.

* Drive your friends or walk with them to vote on Tuesday 5/3 at the Village Fire House from 12-9

* VOTE on 5/3 for Ariana Basco Tuesday 5/3 at the Village Fire House from 12-9

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